U P C O M I N G   E V E N T S

This is our events page where we will be posting all of our upcoming events that we have booked at the Tickled Trout. Join us for one of our themed evenings, or come have some fun with trivia at one of our quiz nights, there is something for everyone. Feel free to book by selecting Tickled Trout themed evening on our bookings page and choosing the selected date with any information we need.

Q U I Z   


Join us for our bi-monthly quiz evening where we will be open for lots of trivia and fun, hosted by quiz master Dan Saunders and some great prizes to be won. We will be serving our usual Tapas menu as well to enjoy some flavourful dishes as you quiz, as well as our hand crafted cocktails and great drinks menu.

N E X T   Q U I Z   E V E N I N G

Tuesday 11th March
7pm Start

 M O T H E R S   D A Y   P A I N T   &   S I P

E V E N T   D A T E

Sunday 30th March

4:00pm - 6:30pm

Prosecco and nibbles served

£35 per person

P O T T E R Y   W I T H   S U' C


E V E N T   D A T E

Sunday 23rdh March

3:00pm - 5:00pm

Complimentary drink and nibbles

£35 per person

K I T C H E N   T A K E O V E R

We are looking for local food vendors and food truck companies to take over our kitchen for the evening. If you are interested, please contact us so that we can discuss arrangements for a great evening